FA- I got a smile reading your post. I've been guilty of some not so nice behaviour in the past when posting. Unlike the JW that are hard pressed for making any necessary personality changes, some of us do and it makes me a happier person.
"Misery likes company"...and I refuse playing that game with anyone; although we understand the JW wants the world to believe they are the happiest people on the planet, we know differently. So yes, a few kind words can go a long way because we no longer separate ourselves from the world that the JW damns. We want acceptance, we offer the same in like.
For the most part, my opinion only, the more kindness we show, the more we can see from others. That doesn't mean we are push overs for those wanting to do harm - I just don't live in daily drama, judging someone as unfit.
I'll go to my grave not liking, nay, hating the WTBTS for doing what they do. And yet it's a personal decision the individual makes for staying in their rank. I'm eternally grateful for those that have found freedom from them...and share with others. Linda